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Function info

function LuauInLuau.Compile(src: string, optimizationlevel: number?, debuglevel: number?): (success: boolean, bytecode: string, bytecodelength: number)

Compiles src into Luau bytecode if there are no syntax/compile errors


  • src: string - The source
  • optimizationlevel: number? - The optimization level for the resulting bytecode
  • debuglevel: number? - The debug level for the resulting bytecode

Important note regarding the optimization and debug level arguments

The optimizationlevel and debuglevel argument is only available starting with LuauInLuau v0.579


  • success: boolean - Indicates whether the compiler successfully compiled src into bytecode or not
  • bytecode: string - The bytecode
  • bytecodelength: number - The bytecode length